Monday, January 27, 2014

Super 7 Elixir


Super 7 Elixir 
Skin Tightening Snail Complex

Super 7 Elixir
Skin Tightening Snail Complex
When it comes to moisturizing, regeneration, and reparative properties, it may surprise you, that the common garden snail holds a powerful secret to younger looking skin. The Mucin secreted by the snail play an integral role in its own ability to stay hydrated, protect itself and repair damaged body parts. Super 7 Elixir has adapted the snail's natural biological substance to work as an unconventional, yet powerful ingredient in skin-care technology. The snail mucin know as Helix Aspersa Muller Glycoconjugates contains a wealth of proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, glycoprotein enzymes, hyaluronic acid,peptides, and trace elements of iron, copperand zinc, all benefiting and nourishing the skin. By using this natural bio-conditioner you'll slow the appearance of aging to a snail's pace.

  1. Increases the skin's elasticity,density and volume
  2. Strengthens the epidermal barrier for increased hydration
  3. Rearranges the skin's extracellular matrix for a smooth appearance
  4. Regenerates by increasing fibroblasts and stimulating collagen growth.
  5. Contains anti-microbial properties.
  6. Organic Extracts contain powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  7. Skin looks and feels tight as a drum!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

LL Complex Solution Exfoliator 
As we get older, it becomes increasingly difficult for our skin to shed cells. This makes it important to use an effective exfoliator in order to assist and maintain a healthy skin cycle. Removing the layer of harder skin on the surface reveals a more radiant and youthful complexion below.

Immunocologie's Lactic Acid Gel 10% works not only to exfoliate the skin, but helps to unclog dirty skin pores, soften the skin and encourage healthy collagen growth.

Lactic Acid is an effective alpha-hydroxy acid and very good at exfoliating and softening the epidermis. It produces an excellent balance in exfoliating the skin without any tissue damage or irritation.

  • Helps open skin pores.
  • Exfoliates epidermal skin cells.
  • Refreshes and renews the surface of the skin.
  • Helps soften skin.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What is beauty?

What is beauty? 

Some say it is a "special light" from within. 

Others argue that is it pure science. 

Our philosophy is to combine the latest scientific discoveries with 
"your special light".